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Need opinions on 2 recipes


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I want to get a few kinds of bars down pat here.....for my first try......

but if someone has an opinion about what to add or take away to these recipes, it would be really helpful for me....

Jojoba coconut Shampoo bar

2 oz Castor Oil

2 oz Jojoba Oil

8 oz Soybean Oil

12 oz Distilled Water

8 oz Coconut Oil

12 oz Olive Oil

4.3 oz (Lye)

1 oz. strawberry fragrance oil (that's what I want to use..mmmm)

Do I melt all the oils together, including jojoba? I thought that was more of a superfatting type of oil?? Any opinions on this recipe before I make it for the first time??

Baby Soap

2 oz. Coconut Oil

6 oz. olive oil

4 oz. Palm Oil

4 oz. soybean oil

2.2 oz. lye

7 ounces water

Add at trace:

1 oz. cocoa Butter

1 teaspoon EO

Any opinions for this recipe?

Is this a gentle enough recipe for babies do you think?

Thanks to all...........:)

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it is almost impossible to get a soap recipe down pat for a newbie (and i am a newbie but have been reading for a year and have made about 7 batches so far) without trying the recipes out.

what process are you going to use?

for instructions on the various methods, the instructions on the lleft panel on this site on very good.

why are you using the oils that you have chosen? there is a font of knowledge about oils and butter on cathy miller's site:


like candles, you need to test your recipes.


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Thanks for your responses.

I picked those oils because they are the ones I have on hand......

What kind of molds do most people put their shampoo bars in?

A wooden or log loaf type, or individual cutsy types?

Loaf mold cut with a wavy knife? zig zag kind of.....


Thanks all.........:)

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