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Basic recipe needed to make with my ingredients! pLeAsE!!!!


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Yes- I'm the newest member here but I've been peeking around for a week reading and reading so most of my questions have been answered.

I am in search of a moisturizing recipe (in grams or onzes instead of %'s) for a Gingerbread FO soap to give out at Christmas. I'm going to put them into little molds, not a big mold to cut.....

I would like to use the following ingredients:

Pomace Olive oil

Palm Oil or soybean oil??

Coconut Oil

and I also have cocoa butter, and sweet almond oil on hand I would like to add at trace.....

I also have a gingerbread fragrance oil, and want to put in cinnamon.

I don't know how to do the MMS calculator, because I'm new at all this and obviously not catching on. At this point I just need a step by step to get a batch on the go so it's ready for Christmas.....

So really I just need a water and lye amount, plus amounts for the other ingredients.....I assume I'd make a 2 lb batch at first to see how it works....

If anyone could help me please!! Thanks kindly!

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I'm fairly new as well, but a trip to Miller Soap on the web will get you started. Lots of recipies, MMS also has recipies.. as well as other sites. Just do a search for cp soap. I picked a recipie that had the oils I had on hand and resized it to 2 pounds.. a workable trial. There is info here on how to work the MMS calculator, I printed it out, printed a recipe and entered the info into the calculator and played with it untill I understood.. then resized the batch. I made my first two batches with out fragrance to get an idea of what a trace was then did one with fo. It was a lot of fun and now I can't wait to do more. Good luck and have fun!

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I used the MMS calculator, (really confused!)

I want to make a 2 lb batch, but how do I figure that out when putting in the ounzes.......How do I know that my recipe is going to add up to a 2 lb batch?(approximately, as I heard that's the minimum pounds to make a batch)

I see it will tell me how much liquid to use, but the whole Lye chart on the right is confusing me!

Silly question, but if I weigh 32 oz of hard coconut oil, or palm oil, is it still going to weigh the same amount when melted and liquified?

Do you have to figure out how much fragrance oil, Essential oils in weight you use and figure that into your 'water' weight?????


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Now you have me all confused! Hehehe!

Always remember that nomatter how many pounds of soap you want to make..everything needs to add up to 100%. I know this sounds elementary to some, but it's the easiest way to be able to convert the percentages that you will find on almost every recipe out there. You may have to play with those percentages on the calculator. Put in each ingredient that you have or want to use, give it a percentage on the calc. and see what comes up...when you look at the properties of the bar that will result, you can tell if you need to change something...then readjust your percentages, always remembering that your totals will be 100%. I think most butters should stay at around 5%, but that's my preference, and I'm not sure what everyone else has to say..hopefully they will chime in here to help confuse you more ;) You'll get the hang of it..really, you will!

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Here you go

32 ozs total

All these oils are for the main batch, so don't add anything at trace.

1.6 ozs Cocoa Butter

8 ozs Coconut

3.2 ozs Sweet Almond

3.2 ozs Palm Oil

16 ozs Olive

12.1 oz Water

5.1 oz Lye

This will give you a very moisturizing bar. Run it through the calculator and make sure I got the right measurments, always good to check. I usually use 1 oz fo per lb of oils so 2 ozs for this recipe and no you don't count your fo as water. When you run it through the calulator click ounces at the top, then put in 32 ozs then start putting in you ingredients, if the numbers don't add up to 100 % the caluculator will tell you. Good Luck

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Thanks so much for the recipe!

Thaaaat's what I'm talkin' bout!

I will check with the MMS calculator.....

Thanks for answering my question about the fragrance oil......and whether you need to weigh them as a water weight. Goodness, I'm somethin!

I forgot to mention I had a huge jug of soybean oil, what could I replace instead besides the coconut oil?

Should I really use the cocoa butter and melt it in the recipe with the other oils and fats? It really will be moisturizing, even though I'm not using it to be 'superfatted'?

Your help was appreciated, and anyone else who would like to help walk me through silly questions....your help is more than you know!! :)

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You can use Palm Kernel instead of Coconut. Palm Kernel is different than just Palm. I really think you should use this calculator instead. www.soapcalc.com yes you do it in percents but it is a better way to learn what properties your soap will have. Yes melt the cocoa butter. Also use the millers site as a way to teach you more about soap making. Good Luck.

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Thanks Cindym....Your posts have been helpful!

I was really wanting to use coconut oil, as I heard it lathers really well.

I am going to try those calculators out you said.

I have to understand about not using too much of a certain oil/butters etc.

I know you shouldn't use too much 'coconut oil' for example...because it dries out.... I have to get all those facts written down!!

I'm hoping to try my first batch of soap on Tuesday...........fingers crossed.....:yay:

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Thanks to all who added an opinion....

I actually added little cinnamon, and more cocoa.....ah ha.....I learnt something new....adding cocoa makes your soap go a brownish!!

I then added paprika to a small amount and stirred it in (with no cocoa or cinnamon) and swirled it in the wood mold at the end....

Looks great....SO FAR.....

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