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Turkey Fryers and Palm Wax?

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Has anyone used these for palm wax? If so, did you have any problems? I had a Wenesco melter at one time but had a heck of a time because the wax would oxodize and was wondering if anyone experienced that with these.

I'm looking into purchasing a melter from Ritehete after the hoiday season, but until then, I need something a little more than the presto pots and am really hoping this will work out.


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I also used my turkey fryer,I didnt have any problems with the fryer it was the human who was running it that had the problem. I do not have an oven in my basement to heat my containers, so I use my heat gun. I thought I would turn my fryer up to 220,so that after I mixed color I would have enough time to heat containers and let wax cool to add scent. I then dropped my spoon into the wax and splash!!!WOW it was HOT. It melted my spoon and was not very finger friendly. So yes the fryer works well, its the human behind it that needs to be aware.

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I have used my Surf & Turk for melting Palm Pillar wax. I was a little worried about it, but it did just fine. Don't forget to cover the coils with premelted wax. I didn't let it go over 200 degrees. Carole

How do you do this once the wax is solid? Or do you only have to do that the very 1st time? Sorry if it's a dumb question! :confused:

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