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Has anyone ever used this soap mold??


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0578_2.JPGJust wondering..I saw this on Ebay..

As I have not make any soaps yet.:cry2: .was wondering what you experianced soapers think. It looks pretty good to me..no taking anything apart..

If you want to take a look on Ebay go to soap molds it is in the higher price range molds..

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It seems like kind of steep price for a mold like that since to me from the pictures, the plastic does not look that heavy duty and I would have concerns there. I have quite a few heavy duty plastic molds with individual bars that after a time have either warped or have split. I don't know though since it really is hard to tell from the picture. IMO it is worth it to invest in a really good mold like a Kelsie, an Uplands, the birch mold with dividers from Brambleberry or a Tog mold. They are bit more but I think they will last longer than this (again just going on what it looks like from the pic). You can even use a Martha Mold from Target which are not that expensive or look around your house for stuff that might make a good mold. The Kelsie is a plastic mold but it is a THICK white plastic mold that you can do CPOP soap in with no problems. Old pringle cans make great molds too.

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Hmm...I'm no expert, but I would think twice before even considering spending that kind of money on a plastic mold (well, it looks like plastic). But, they state "flex" mold...is that as in flexible like silicone molds?

I don't know what kind of soap you're planning to make (CP/HP/MP) but I do M&P and I've learned that in the last year I've wasted a lot of money on molds thinking that I "needed" them when I really didn't. My kitchen & Dollar Tree showed me that they have all I need...for a buck or less!

I think you can even do CP in a lined ordinary box (CPer's, spank me if I'm wrong!)

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If you want to see the ebay page with that soap mold, all you have to do is click on the picture and it will take you there.

It is up to you whether you invest in an unknown mold or a tried and true mold. Everyone has to start out somewhere. I trusted soapers who recommended upland log molds and Kelsei divider molds, I haven't been disappointed with these at all. I have used other molds but these have consistantly given the best results. They cost a little more in the beginning but they are cheaper than buying bad molds and being dissatisfied and buying something else later.

Hope this makes sense to you.

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