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Soy Tarts

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I just made my first batch of soy tarts today and have a question. I poured them into a hard plastic ice cube tray and was wondering how long should I wait to take them out and also, what is the best way to get them out? Hope they come out anyway. I forgot to spray it with cooking oil. OOPS. Thanks.


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Hi CQ.

What wax are you using for your tarts?

If you used a molded wax such as votive/pillar or tart wax they should pop out of your molds as soon as they set up (maybe around 45 minutes or so) without using any mold release spray. If you used a container wax in you molds you will need to use a mold release spray and put them in the freezer to help with getting them out of the molds.

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You probably already have them out by now lol but I use 100% NG soywax and they come out of my molds just fine. If I have any that are being stubborn and look like they are not going to come out then I pop them in the freezer for a few minutes and then they basically fall out. I don't use any kind of mold release spray.

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I popped them in the freezer for a few and they did not come out easy. I have a bag of chunks now. But I did send DH to the store for some cooking spray and made another batch. They came out perfect. Now I can start to make some kind of money since I have tested the FO's using the 12 jars I got with my kit. Thanks for all the advice. I really appreciate it.


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