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Can I Share My New Addiction?


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I've been taking a floral design class online for a few months now and I am almost finished. I have to make a few projects for my final exam and that is it, I will be certified. (DH says I've been certified for a long time now, but that's a different story).

I just wanted to share photo's of my final exam and see what you all think.

First pic is of a bridal bouquet

Second pic is a wrist corsage and a boutonniere

Third pic is a table centerpiece

Thanks for looking.





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Gosh, Jennifer! From what I can see you're doing great. I have no talent or skill in that area whatsoever and didn't know you could take such a course online. The local tech has them, but I have been leaning more towards taking a short cake decorating course just for fun.

Are you planning on going into the biz or just doing this to enhance your other products?

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Thanks Luci,

I really didn't know I could do it either, to be quite honest. But it's amazing what you can do when you have the proper instruction. There is a method to floral design, who knew. Until I started taking the course, I just thought you put a bunch of flowers into a container and voila, you had an arrangement. Kinda like candlemaking, there is a whole other side to it that normal consumers don't see.

But I really do enjoy it, I would like to open a shop in a few years. I need to get some real world experience, so maybe when my babies both start Pre-K and I have a few hours a day, I can con one of the local florist into taking me on as an apprentice for a few hours day. Hey, it would be free labor for them and great experience for me. I guess the downside would be, that they might not be too eager to help future competition.

I think cake decoration would be wonderful, but I have tried that before and failed miserably, but my mom done a wonderful job as well as one of my neighbors. They both make it look so effortless. My poor little roses looked more like blobs of cake icing on a stick. :grin2:

If anyone is interested in online courses www.pennfoster.com has several to choose from, and you work at your own pace. You can even submit your exams and work online if you want to.

Well off to fix lunch now, my little natives are getting restless.

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