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smell like rotten eggs


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I made bath bombs and when I mixed they I used water because I don't have witch hazel I add the scent but they start to smell like rotten eggs what went wrong I have been trying for a long time to get this right and my foaming bath melts come out gaine I use 8oz cocoa butter 1/2cup baking soda and1/3 corn starch 1cup citric acid what am I doing wrong Thanks.:sad2:

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Ugh... Don't envy you if you got such a nasty smell instead of a nice pleasant scent...

Could the fragrance oil have been off by any chance? Or a bit of residue from something else left in the water bottle?

We don't use witch hazel or corn starch (I'm presuming it's similar to our cornflour)...

3 parts Sodium Bicarb to 1 part Citric Acid... Drip in the FO and any colour randomly about in the bowl with pipettes mixing quickly... Then slowly spritz the pre boiled and cooled water mixing like crazy until it's all the right consistency...

If we add cocoa butter we melt it first and use that as the binding agent so not so much water is needed - which is very little anyway...

I don't know if it's possible for the bicarb or the citric to be 'off' and cause this sort of problem - not one I've come across... Hope you can sort it out though...

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No color and I love Zach of all my childern.

Well, there goes my best guess. Often ultramarines or oxides will give you the rotten egg smell if used in bathbombs.

Isn't Zach just the hottest thing? :drool: Luv him madly! *faint*

Wish I could help ya more with your mysterious bathbomb funk.

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