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FO% in J223?

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Hi all!

I'm playing around with some wickless candles (I figure I'll figure out how to make them look nice and smell good before I attempt the actual wicking part, LOL). I'm using J223 and am wondering what % FO to use. I have used 10% and some are strong (Almond Pastries), others are pretty weak (Home for The Holidays). I'm using little 4 oz baby food jars (since I have a TON of them). Since I'm not actually burning the candles, can I up the FO? Thoughts??

Thanks :)


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i tried it one time to see if it would help. it did not seem to make the candle any stronger.i could be wrong but to me if the scent is to light at that amount you are not going to get any better scent throw by adding more.i was using the baby food jars to at the time to test them in for scent throw.i added 2 oz to a lb of wax. but on the tart burner you could not tell that it had any more scent in it than the one that had 1.5 oz.the ones with 1 oz you could tell it was lighter. i tried this with three different scents.

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