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7 Pawz

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Hello everyone:smiley2:

This is my first post on this forum, my main focus until recently has been candlemaking; but i'd like to add a soap, lotion, cream, or some other personal care product to my line eventually. I've been given a lot of dried rose petals and thought i could make rosewater from them, but one method that i tried didn't do well, the resulting rose water had no scent to it whatsoever. Should I use fresh rose petals or freeze dried? I did a search on the board, but came up with nothing..if anyone has a suggestion or two, i'd appreciate it...Thank you:grin2:

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Really? Once I was organizing a valentine's surprise and I wanted rose petals for the bed and bathtub. What I did was just go to a florist and ask for fresh rose petals. They'll usually give me a generous handful (1-2 cups) for a ringgit or so (30 cents?).

Found this place... $16 per gallon if you're not picky about the colors, though I'm not sure if that comes out as cheaper. (http://www.freshroses.com/petals.html)

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