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Registered Name search in Ohio

Guest LightofDawn

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Guest LightofDawn

Can anyone tell me how I do a search to see if a company name has been taken? Also, Do you just do this for the state you will be doing business in or is there a way to do it nationwide?



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Not sure about Ohio, but in Kentucky you can go to the Secretary of State's website and there is a place for online business services where you can type in a business name to see if it has been registered for use in your state. As far as nationwide, I can't help with that~Sorry


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Guest LightofDawn

I think he is a hottie too, I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that he asked me to marry him. Then the darn alarm clock went off. :cry2:

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<insert gagging smiley here>

Jeffy's WAY hotter. ;)

Oh no, are you a fan of the rainbow warrior too?

He's too sunshine and, well, rainbows for me. I like the bad boys with all their bad toys. :naughty:

Where does this madness stop. DH and my little nephew like Jeff too. Of course I hope it's not because they think he's hot.:confused::laugh2:

Sorry Dawn, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread with NASCAR hotties. Maybe we need a NASCAR thread.

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Guest LightofDawn

Di_in_AZ - Thank you for the info. If I did it right, it looks like I am OK in both areas.

Hometown - Please feel free to highjack my thread anytime with the Nascar hottie (Jr. of course). My brother actually works with Nascar. His job actually entails going to the teams shops and servicing equipment. I keep asking him when take your sister to work day is? Of course it has to be the day he goes to DEI, at least this year.

Oh no, are you a fan of the rainbow warrior too?

That is too funny, I haven't heard him called that. You know next year we are going to have to start playing nice since they will be teammates.

Edited to Add: Yes I agree we do need a NASCAR Hottie thread.

MissMary - I will agree that yes Jeff is not bad looking, but he is too much of a pretty boy for me. I like the rugged country boys.

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Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, is there a CT friend day? :D I can be ready in a minute's notice and I don't take up too much room.

Why is this sort of thing "wasted" on guys, they never actually appreciate being so close to somebody like Jr. LOL

I don't know where rainbow warrior came from, that's just what my DH has always called him. Actually, he's not too bad, I guess, he's just to pretty for me too. Gotta give him props as a driver though, but I'll never admit it to DH.

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