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CD's don't self-trim with GL 70/30???

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So I'm wicking this 8oz JJ with a CD12 and it's burning really pretty (great MP, terrific hot throw, no soot...and the flame is perfect height). Two hours later, the flame becomes a TORCH. I blow it out, trim it, re-light and it does well for awhile and then it's back to a huge flame. I'm using GL 70/30 wax and this is my first test burn with it. I didn't have this problem with these CD's in another wax and I've always loved how they burn so am wondering what the problem could be and how to fix it. Is anyone familiar with this combination? (CD's with GL 70/30)


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I use the CDs in KY Parasoy which is close to the GL, and if you overwick it can pull alot of wax up the wick and leave you with huge mushrooming and long fire-breathing dragon of a wick. If you wick down to a 10 and it is underwicked, I would retry the 12 and trim it to 1/8 inch instead of 1/4 inch and see how it burns.


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I found that CD 10's work best for my own 70/30 blend in the 8 oz jj. I used a CD 12 for pure soy.

I would at least test one with a CD 10 and compare it to your CD 12 to see if you can elminate your problem.

Geek, somewhere in my research, I had read the Parasoy was closer to a 50/50 mix and the Perfect Blend was a 70/30. Are you not finding that is the case? I tried the perfect blend before they changed it and had a time with cracking and sink holes so I didn't pursue it. The parasoy to me did burn similar to my 50/50 mix but mine doesn't smoke like KY's did. Vickey is to afraid to release her %'s for some reason.

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