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Plastic Molds

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Hello! I have tried several different combos and I can't worth the life of me figure out how to get smooth tarts. I have tried pillar wax w/ UA...I get wiggle lines & pin holes. Then I have tried 25% Container 75% Pillar wax kind of does the same thing pillar wax does. What has worked the best is container wax but its kind of oily and sticky so it messes up my packaging and labels....Any suggestions?


PS...I know for metal molds if I heat them up before pouring it helps eliminate pin holes. Has anyone tried this w/ plastic? If so, how did you do it w/out melting the plastic and is the clue to smooth tarts? ;)

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You can get some moulds that are made of a rubbery sort of material that you could warm up first coz they can be put in the oven and freezer. If yo uwant a cheap way to see if it would work get a ice cube flexi mould from ikea for 99p and then you could look around for better moulds once u no the idea works? JMO

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What has worked the best is container wax but its kind of oily and sticky so it messes up my packaging and labels....Any suggestions?

I use 70/30 para/soy blend for my tarts (I use a container blend, like the low melt point for electric warmers), I use plastic milky way molds. I don't heat them, no problems with pitting or jump lines, I pour around 130. Creamy goodness when I demold them.

As far as the mess goes, are you putting your tarts in a plastic bag/packaging before you put on a label? I put mine into a shrink bag, seal the open end and shrink it with a blow dryer, the tart is now covered in plastic, put lable on, no mess. I get mine from papermart.com $5.09 for 500 6x4 shrink bags, impluse sealer Harbor Freight $40. My tarts are pretty big so I use one bag for each, if your tarts are smaller you can cut the bag in half and seal the other end. Imo, I think the shrink wrap makes it look more professional.

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