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joisey girl

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Hello all, I'm a total soapmaking newbie and I've been "lurking" these boards for about a week now and can tell by reading your posts and looking at all of your beautiful soap creations that I've found a great place to learn about this evidently addicting craft. So with that being said I have a couple questions I hope you could help me with. First, what would be the best type of soap to start out with CP or MP? Second,what's the best place to get supplies from? And lastly, I am terrible at math, and can barely add 2+2,:o and the more I read about percentage of oils and lye the more nervous I get about soap making, just wondering if this part is as difficult as is sounds?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Hello all, I'm a total soapmaking newbie and I've been "lurking" these boards for about a week now and can tell by reading your posts and looking at all of your beautiful soap creations that I've found a great place to learn about this evidently addicting craft. So with that being said I have a couple questions I hope you could help me with. First, what would be the best type of soap to start out with CP or MP? Second,what's the best place to get supplies from? And lastly, I am terrible at math, and can barely add 2+2,:o and the more I read about percentage of oils and lye the more nervous I get about soap making, just wondering if this part is as difficult as is sounds?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Welcome to the board :)

I guess knowing what kind of soap to start with depends on what you want in your soap. MP soap of course is the easiest..just melt and pour. You can get very creative with it though..adding things, using different molds, the possibilities with MP are just endless as I'm sure you've seen in the galleries here. CP soap is a better way for you to know every single ingredient that goes into your soap from the first to the last. There is no denying that a CP bar just feels more luxurious than an MP bar, although I think I'm getting closer with some of my MP ;) Either way, it's fun and addicting, and can get mighty expensive if you're not careful LOL, but for me has been worth every penny. I started out with MP, went to CP, and now do both equally..and can't say that I love one more than the other.

It's helpful to have a bit of a math brain, but it really isn't all that hard. The percentages freak people out..but if you always remember that nomatter what size batch you're making, the total is 100% it helps to keep it in perspective. This place is open 24 hours a day..365 days a year, and there's always someone around..you can always come here and ask questions, and there's usually an answer before you know it!

Good luck in your soap making endeavors..Looking forward to seeing your pics in the gallery :D

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Thank you Sharon for your welcoming words and advice. I agree, I think it would be best for me to start out with MP recipes just to get my feet wet and used to the soap making process. I bought a few supplies this weekend so I will definetely be back with more ?'s when I'm ready to do that first batch. Oh and by the way, the total 100% has already made me feel a lot better:) Thanks again!!


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Hi there, just wanted to welcome you to the board, and a new addiction! :D

I haven't taken the CP leap yet, but I'm "collecting" my ingredients for it. But like you, I'm totally math challenged, and all those numbers freak me out man!! :eek: LOL

I currently make a LOT of MP soaps, and love the versatility of it, even though a lot of sites tell you you can't add oils and such to it, I have with no ill effects. ;)

Also, the MP soaps really help me with my creative artsy fartsy side. :P

Like Sharon stated, this place is open 24/7 and the people here are SUPER and always willing to help ya out.

Again welcome, and can't wait to hear about your firsts!!

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Hi Michi....thanks for admitting your math weakness, now I don't feel so bad :) But when your ready for CP I'm sure you'll do fine. I've still got too far to go before even thinking about CP. All I need are a few more items and I'll be ready for my first MP batch. Hopefully they'll come out decent enough for pics.

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