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What is wrong here?

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I use EZSoy from BC, 8 oz. JJ's, with 51-32-18 wicks from BC (always worked great for these jars for me), same supplier as I have always used for FO's, use dye chips for colors. I pour at slushy stage also. Having said this, I am having trouble with my wicks that seem to "drown out" and get "ashy" after the first initial burn. I have no idea what is going on here.

I bought wicks from Cierra Candles also just to see if maybe the wicks were the problem but these did the same thing on me. Is it possible that maybe it's not my wicks but my wax?? I bought 2 of the 50# boxes of EZSoy my last order and have just finished up the first box but have not tried the 2nd one yet. I've just never had this problem before and it has me really frustrated. I'm afraid to put any of my candles out there with this going on.

Can anyone give me any ideas as to what might be causing this?? I don't know if maybe I need to give more information on what I am doing but if so, please feel free to ask. I just need some suggestions and ideas as to what might be going on so I can get past this and make the candles that I am used to making and that my customers have been happy with! Luckily, so far no complaints but would love to keep it that way!


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Well, this is certainly not uncommon with soy, at least thats what my experiance has shown. Soy crops differ from season to season, so it's very likely that you now have a harder batch than previously. What I do is when I get a new case of wax, I pour up 1 tester and see if burns the same as before. If I have to wick up/down, then I do so across the board for all my scents. Doing this saves lots of time and supplies, as opposed the pouring up alot of candles, and then testing one only to find that everything is suddenly wicked wrong. HTH!

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I have actually done the wick up/down and still get the same results. This is very frustrating to me. I have even went up as far as the 62's with these. I really don't think that the wicks are the problem but the wax. I am getting ready to try the other box of wax to see if I get the same results.

If the wax is the problem, what else can I do? I have never had this happen before so.......I am open to any and all suggestions on this one. I have thought about adding a little of another wax to see if maybe that will help. If I do that, any suggestions on where to start?

I appreciate the reply and hope that maybe I can have better results with this next box! Thanks again!

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It is probably just a harder batch of wax than what you have tested previously. You may have to go up several sizes in wicks to get a good burn, if the wax is really hard. I personally would keep going up in size until I found what works. If you still can get it, you could always try adding in some container paraffin to try to soften it up a bit. I would probably start with 10% paraffin and go from there. I can say, that every soy wax I have ever used has had the occasional "hard batch", so dont feel like it is exclusive to your brand wax. Like I said, the soy crops can change from season to season, and that is going to affect how your soy wax burns. Let us know if you get it worked out! ;)

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