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Brochure help...


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We are changing our brochure and I have run into a bit of a snag.

We offer all of our scents in votives and melts - they have all been thoroughly tested. We are, one by one, going through our wicked jars and testing, but at this point, our wicked jars are not available in ALL scents. We are also introducing soy wicked jars, and we carry aroma bead sachets, envelope sachets, etc. In doing the brochure, we have listed all our scents, but, due to limited space, I was wondering if there was a way to show that certain wicked candles come in certain scents without having a listing under each candle. Would a symbol next to the scent work? If so, what type of symbol? Has anyone every tried to do this.....or do you have any idea what I am talking about.....:laugh2:


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You could make a list of your melt scents and call them 'melt scents'. Then make a list of your jar scents and call them 'jar scents'. Then make a list of your soy jars and call them 'soy scents.' See where I'm going? Then when you show the product say something like. "Melts available in 'melt scents'"

Or, list a group of scents called column A, B, C etc. Then say melt scents available from Column B. Soy scents available from Column C. And so on. But don't forget to make a list of them somewhere on the brochure.

I know this is all sounding better in my head than what is being typed out through my fingers!

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Thanks, everyone, for your ideas!

Our first thought was to have a symbol next to the Soy 5oz wicked, 10oz wicked, etc., then show the symbol next to the scents that were available in those sizes...but I just wonder if that is just going to be too complicated for them to follow....plus, since I am not that computer savvy, I am stumped on what kind of symbol to use.

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