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How much Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate to use in bath salts?

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Those of you that use SLSA in bath salts, do you mind sharing the percentage of SLSA you use? I have read where one supplier said to start with 1 to 3%, another says 10% and one says up to 50%, however I did read on here that 50% is way too much. Any suggestions on what percentage to start at? Thank you.

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According to the Chemistry Store:

Minimal to no irritation will occur at a 3% concentration.

According to WholesaleSuppliesPlus.com:

Suggested Use Level:

• Liquid Foaming Bath Products: 3-8%

• Powder Foaming Bath Products: 15-25%

I know...not realy helpful, right? My suggestion is to make small test batches with varying amounts of SLSa and see which percentage works for you. It's a PIA but ultimately it's what experimenting is all about! HTH

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