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Can I add IPM to a premade Body Frosting base?


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I have some premade base for body frosting. All I did was add 1% FO (Pink Sugar) like the instructions said. Even at 1% it has a strong "lotion" smell and can barely smell the FO but I was afraid to add any more FO. Can I add more? lol

This frosting feels greasy to me and seems to take a while to absorb in the skin. Can I add IPM to cut down the greasy feeling? If so, how much?

The ingredients on the body frosting are: Ingredients: Deionized water, Cetearyl Alcohol & Cetearth-10, Glyceryl Monostearate, Isopropyl Palmitate, Aloe Vera, Triethanolamine, Tetrasodium EDTA, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben

After doing several searches, these seem to be common ingredients in body frosting.

Thanks so much!!!

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You could add some cyclo too, to work in conjunction with the IPM.

Found some % recommendations on MMS that might help:

Lotions: 1 to 3%

Creams: 3 to 6%

Butters & Lotion Bars: 4-10%

Massage Oils: 4-8%

Lip Balm:1-5%

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Thanks Jadryga!!! Do I add both or just the cyclo? I have both and while this frosting does soften the skin, an hour later, my hands still feel greasy where I put it on and its driving me NUTS lol

You could add some cyclo too, to work in conjunction with the IPM.

Found some % recommendations on MMS that might help:

Lotions: 1 to 3%

Creams: 3 to 6%

Butters & Lotion Bars: 4-10%

Massage Oils: 4-8%

Lip Balm:1-5%

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Up to you, I should think :) Both are pretty effective, cyclo gives a pretty smooth, dry feel. I should think the right amounts of both will do wonders!

For the moment though, until you decide, you could always just dust a little corn/tapioca starch on your hands to cut greasiness once the frosting's soaked in as much as it can.

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I have minimal knowledge on this stuff but wouldn't Dimethicone help thicken it up for her if she was to add more Oil? Plus give her a silkier feeling vs greasy? Or would it make it greasier?

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Dimethicone gives it good slip & glide (a silky sort of greasy, minimizes drag), which I don't think is what she's actually looking for. Cyclomethicone is the silicone that cuts greasiness, when used in the proper amounts.

Robin has a valid point, though cyclo and IPM are not water-based ingredients and you'll probably be adding tiny amounts of both. To be safe though, if it's for personal use, and you're worried about affecting the preservation, you could always scoop out a small amount into a separate container (say 3-4 full body uses) and add cyclo + IPM proportionately to that. Repeat when the smaller container's empty :D

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Robin has a valid point, though cyclo and IPM are not water-based ingredients and you'll probably be adding tiny amounts of both. To be safe though, if it's for personal use, and you're worried about affecting the preservation, you could always scoop out a small amount into a separate container (say 3-4 full body uses) and add cyclo + IPM proportionately to that. Repeat when the smaller container's empty :D

Well if I used them in small amounts, should I had some preservative? I have Liquid Par. This "butter" is really nice and my skin is very soft from it but sheesh @ the grease I feel from it. I prefer something that glides on silky not greasy lol.

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If kept in a small separate container that you use within 2-3 days, I don't think you'd need additional preservative. The problem is when you affect the preservation and keep it for a long period of time (weeks, months). Consider it like something you whip up fresh to use within a short time span, though it will definitely last much longer than something using fresh ingredients without preservative. Even fresh recipes can last a few days to a week if kept in a refrigerator. There's a chance you might not compromise anything at all by adding the IPM and cyclo, but better to be safe than sorry!

Here's a good guideline for cyclo:


Says to add up to 1% to premade lotion base, or 5-20% for lotion from scratch.

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Robin has a valid point, though cyclo and IPM are not water-based ingredients ..

To be nitpicky - it doesn't matter :) The formula has water in it. Thus the whole formula needs to be preserved. No matter what you add, if you add too much, you are reducing the percentage of the already included preservative, thus undermining it's effectivity. That's why most suppliers will tell you how much you can add of anything before you start affecting the preservative percentage.

And adding preservative isn't always the answer - too much preservative can be harmful. See the thread where someones lotion used preservative at 10% (that was here, right?) and gave their customer a rash.

You'll probably be safe, but I always want to make sure everyone understands what's at stake when they start adding things to bases.

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Thanks everyone!!! I guess I will just let others use this and either find a base that isn't greasy to me or make my own so I know what is in it, how much and what can be done to adjust it.

Why can't something be easy just ONCE?? :confused: lol

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