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OK so I called the manufacturer...

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Hoping to successfully wick a 3" diameter jar I love with a single wick (a feat I couldn't accomplish with my 70/30 soy/para blend) I started testing some pre-blended 50/50 about 2 weeks ago. Used my standard 1oz per lb, let cure a few days and started testing. I got nada, and I mean nada, hot throw while the cold throw was awesome. Ok, I figure let em cure a couple more days. Still no hot throw :angry2: . I posted here asking if a 50/50 blend required more oil and longer cure and most replies I got said no.

I called the manufacturer and asked what amount of fo I should be using with this wax and their answer was 2oz per lb...yikes, I thought the 50% paraffin in the wax would improve the throw over my 70/30 at 6% and would also cure a bit faster. I'll go broke pouring candles with 12% fo per lb! So I decided to pour a few more at 9% per lb and see what happened. Results were a bit better (not a lot) with the hot throw but in some of my heavier fo's I am having major sooting issues.

So by now I'm paranoid...would a manufacturer sell a blend specifically formulated to require 12% so they could sell more oils??? OK, I've been testing too long and am obviously going bonkers...so if anyone who has used both waxes in a 3" jar and had some success, I would appreciate any help :confused:

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Ok I have to ask, what kind of wax are you using? I have seen some waxes that say the max FO is 2 oz per pound but honestly couldn't imagine having to use that much in a wax. It would be too costly.

I am doing my own blend with GB 444 and IGI 4627. I use 7 - 9% and am loving the throw I am getting. I have done my blends anywhere from a 50/50 up to an 85/15 and not changed my FO %.

The GB 444 was giving me major headaches trying to work with it by itself but I have eliminated all the problems I was having with it just by adding the paraffin.

I have tried a 50/50 preblend and a 70/30 preblend from suppliers but honestly like the results I am getting from my own blends.

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I use GL 70/30 and KY 50/50 in a 3inch tumbler and quite honestly have not had any issues with cold or hot throw at 1 to 1.5 oz per pound. I know that is not much help but I'm not sure why they would require so much FO...:confused:

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I used to do a blend at 50/50 of EcoSoya CB Advanced/IGI 4627. I had the same problem at 70/30 had to move it up to 50/50 to get it where I wanted with 10% FO.

I finally moved back to all paraffin as I couldn't get the soy to work well enough for me even mixed with paraffin.

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  • 3 months later...
I used to do a blend at 50/50 of EcoSoya CB Advanced/IGI 4627. I had the same problem at 70/30 had to move it up to 50/50 to get it where I wanted with 10% FO.

I finally moved back to all paraffin as I couldn't get the soy to work well enough for me even mixed with paraffin.

Just a FYI - I went through a time where I was adding high % of FO, and the candles threw LESS. Dunno why, but they did. I use GL 70/30 in a 3.3 diameter jar.

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12% is too much fragrance in my opinion.

Fragrance is THE most complicated chemical-with the greatest variability-of anything that goes into a candle...period. Anything that can be done to keep performance high and FO low will improve the overall performance of the candle and help your wallet.

Keep this in mind...once you add "anything" to a wax, you are fundamentally changing the chemical structure and physical properties of the wax. The more FO or other "stuff" that is added the farther you are getting from the original base line. This will make it difficult to maintain consistency since all products are manufactured to a range of specifications. More components=wider specs=increased variability= ??? (fill in the blank)

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