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looking for colorant for body product

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i'm looking to make some "cocoa butter" chocolate chips and coffee beans for a project. i'm just wondering where to find a good dark brown color that is safe for b&b products and hoping it has some other things i could order too-so i'm not just ordering 1 product.

I've looked around and haven't found much for a dark brown color-i did find glory bee, but you have to order $30 which wouldn't be so bad if they had something else i wanted.



edited to add, i found some dark brown mica at brambleberry and some glittery stuff i'd like to use for lotion. do you think that would work? the choc. chips and coffee beans will be used in a scrub product and the cocoa butter "melts" in the shower.

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If you have other b&b safe colors, you can mix brown by blending green and red. Think Christmas colors. If the brown is too muddy, you can warm it up by adding a titch of yellow for a more golden brown. But for chocolate color, I'd probably leave it more on the cool side of the brown spectrum.


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i have a hunter green and a nice red to try-they'll be here wed.

another thing i tried was mixing some cocoa powder with the cocoa butter and for the most part it worked, except that the 'bottom" of the chip ended up lighter colored than the tip. maybe i didn't mix enough cocoa powder?

also, another thing i found was from this website http://www.sweetcakes.com/default.php?cPath=29 .These gel dyes (originally designed to tint cake frosting) are our favorite way to color melt-and-pour soap, shampoo, shower gel, and lotion. The dyes are incredibly rich and concentrated -- a tiny dollop on the end of a toothpick will color 8 or 16 oz. of shampoo/shower gel -- so start with the tiniest amount imaginable and add more color as desired. They mix in almost effortlessly; use each shade alone, or combine them to create a veritable rainbow of colors.

I know i found a thread here that said not to use them because of discoloring? but if it's good for eating? i don't know how they could sell them for the purpose of coloring lotion etc. if it wasn't safe? it's not like you would need much of it. maybe i'll do the cocoa powder and the red and green and see what i come up with, and if all else fails i'll try to frosting color. i just really don't want to have to make another order unless i really have to.

thanks for the hint aj-i never even thought about mixing colors, duh!!!


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