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Salt Bar?

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I have never in my life ever heard of these or seen these until I joined this board and seen a few on some websites. Now I have done about as thorough of a check as possible..I ran a search, I read every post on this new board and every post on the old board and could not find an answer to my question on these so I am going ahead and asking away.

What is the recipe for this bar and can it be used with HP soap? I am going to attempt HP since I am not very CP friendly and was wondering if I can do this bar with an HP recipe or not.

Thanks for your input!! (I am going to do the Crockpot Method of HP if that makes any difference)


The Soap Box

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I don't know about the HP since I only do cp, but with a salt bar the basic recipe for this is say for instance you have one you use that consists of 30 oz of oils well at light trace you would add 30 oz of sea salt

(not dead sea salt, I found that out when I ran out and tried to sub it LOL) pour in your mold and your good to go. Note that it does harden quickly so you have to slice it as it starts to harden and then then slice it again later because if you dont it is like trying to cut a brick! Hope this helps a little

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Thanks! That does help alot. So you match the amount of salt to the amount of oils you use? And I could just use the Sea Salt that you can find in the grocery store? I think I am going to try it using the CPHP to see if it will work :)


The Soap Box

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