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Stir and stir...then reaheat to pour???

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I'm using KY All Natural Votive & Pillar Blend which I heat to 190 to melt, add FO and dye and is suppose to be poured no lower than 175. Well, as I'm stirring (and stirring!) in the FO to blend it well, the temp drops to below 175 so I'm having to reheat it back to pouring temperature. I'm really afraid I might be losing some FO strength by reheating it. I read that if I heat it to 200 to melt, it causes cracking....so heating it higher to allow for the stirring time doesn't seem to be an option. (Or do I have this info wrong?) Does anyone have any suggestions?

I appreciate any advice!


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The directions on the KY site says to pour between 160 & 200 degrees. I heat mine to almost 200 degrees & pour about 165 and the repour at 175. Why do you stir so much to mix in the scent? Sure I stir to completely incorporate the scent with the wax, but I don't stir that long. Maybe you could heat your FO oils if you don't want the temp. to drop that fast. I wouldn't take the time, but just a suggestion.

The only time I've had cracking with this wax is when I stuck them in the freezer to remove them from the mold & wick pin and forgot them in the freezer. For me when the wax gets too cold it will crack.



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Just out of curiosity when you are measuring out your wax into the pour pot, is your pour pot hot or cold?

I use pyrex glasses to mix my dyes and FO but before I do, I heat the glass either in the microwave or with my heat gun. If I don't, the wax temp drops 10 - 20 degrees in no time.

I stir for 2 to 3 minutes to incorporate my blend before I pour and I use wire whisks. The wire also helps keep the heat in without cooling too fast.

Just some ideas to think about if you aren't already doing them.

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Heat a pan of water to your desired pouring temp. After measuring out your wax into your pouring/mixing pot, set it in the pan of water while you add you FOs and color. Can't get any easier than that :wink2:

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Thanks, Susan, Jami and Pam for your helpful responses. I'll go ahead and heat to 200 and stir less...sounds like that could work. Otherwise, this is a beautiful wax and I'm getting pretty good results. I just don't want to lose any scent with all this heating.

Thanks again!!


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