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Do Bath Melts Need Poly Pro?

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I've searched around and can't seem to find an answer. I'm in a pinch. I'm having an Open House this weekend and I ran out of my poly pro bags that I usually package my bath melts in. I ran to Michael's and they have 4x6 ziplock craft bags...so I snatched them up. Of course the employees had no idea if they were poly pro or not. So my question is, if they're not poly pro is that okay? I do mainly tarts and such, and I always use poly pro, but I wasn't sure about the bath melts. Any thoughts? Thanks so much!!


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I treat my B'n B the same way we treat wax when it comes non-polypros "stealing the scent" from products. If your in a pinch I'd do it just for the show. But if the consumer doesn't use the product right away the plastic may suck up the scent and leave your customer thinking the bath melts have no scent.

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