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need comments on this recipe


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I found this recipe in my book - soapmakers companion

first question - can you sub out the ?wheat germ?

See You Later Alligator recipe :confused:

201 grams lye

1# 3 oz water

6 oz hazelnut

5 oz avacado oil

6 oz wheat germ oil;

4 oz sweet almond oil

1# coconut oil

14 oz palm oil

12 grams grapefruit seed extract optional

Comments on this recipe in book are:

Fatty acids from OO, avacado, s almond oil, wheat germ, cocoa butter provide necessary moisture as well as a protective film that prevents moisture loss. This recipes is designed to restore the skin to a more normal state. The hazelnut oil penetrates the skin easily & nourishes deeply. It is used to treat eczema because it stimulates the skin

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Seems like a nice enough recipe in soapcalc.com (albeit expensive), but I tell you this - the description looks like BS to me.

No soap, unless it's so superfatted it's greasy, is moisturizing (And this recipe is superfatted to about 5% which is normal - no "protective film). And assuming it's saponified (CP) there's no hazelnut oil to penetrate. Maybe if you HP it you can add the hazlenut oil after the cook. Oh, and lots of people with eczema have nut allergies (my son is allergic to hazelnuts, aka filberts).

REAL soaps (as opposed to commercial detergent bars) ARE much nicer to those of us with eczema, but the claims made in the comments are a bit off if you ask me.

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Yep I thought it was on the expensive side too after looking up all the oils but I just picked out a recipe in this book to get some feedback on some of these recipes in it. thanks for all the info CB I knew someone would chime in. I haven't read this book from cover to cover just bits and pieces and pieces. To be honest I am starting to wonder if these recipes in books are as good as the ones you find online or here on this forum. On the forum you can at least get feedback on one. Not everyone is going to be the same but you cant get feedback from a book that is for sure. I like playing with the soapcalc but man o man there are so many variations. I am not trying to make my own recipe I will stick to tried and true good ones until I get some experience under my belt.

Well speaking of hazelnut here is one from the other book and its description

17.5 oz hazelnut

10.5 oz palm kernel oil

8 oz water

3.9 oz lye

this soap lathers very well and is highly moisturizing. do not insulate or warm this soap as its setting.

this is out of 'smart soapmaking'

have a nice day everyone


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honestly I would start with one of the recipes in the Recipes section here. Quiet Girl's is really mild and lathering (but ashes on me), and Darwin's is very simple and a GREAT bar of soap. There are lots of comments on these recipes around for guidance (especially on Darwin's). Eugenia, I think it was, posted her castile-type recipe as well.

Think simple and cheap.

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Run away from that recipe and fast! The coconut is 31%, way too high IMO.

We can help you to formulate your own recipe, which will be much better.

Look at Bunny's tutorial on building a soap recipe. There are many recipes out on the net; it does not mean they are good.

If you are new, do NOT go out and buy up a zillion oils! They have a shelf life, will go rancid and you will scratch your head wondering why you got them.

Oils like hazelnut are nice to add at 5-10%.


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Thanks everyone for your advice. I am honestly learning more from this board than I am from books. The tutorials here are great and so are the ppl who help. Takes a lot of research but it will be worth it. I have so many bookmarks from you guys on here, sometimes it gets mind boggling trying to figure it all out. After reading books I was more confused than I was before I read them. I read the tutorial today and it was so much more simple to understand, the pictures helped me, I am a visual kinda person.

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