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Bubbles in soy

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I poured strawberry scented soy into a pre-heated daiquiri glasses and they came out clouded with little bubbles on the side. I even re-heated and repoured and the same result. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? The first two that I did came out perfect. I used the same FO but a different batch of soy (although it was from the same supplier).

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If you see the tiny bubbles as you are pouring, be sure to take the filled contaner and rap it on the table a few times or, if that's not possible, use a rubber mallet to thump on the table all around the container to release those pesky bubbles.

Did you clean the glass carefully before using? Even new glass has stuff on it leftover from its making, some p[ieces more than others... The idea is to give bubbles NOTHING on which to cling... I use Parson's Sudsy ammonia and very hot water, rinse in very hot water then paper towel dry and finish drying upside down in the oven. Cleans glass better than anything and it's very inexpensive!

What temperature did you pour? If you are pouring on the cool side, the bubbles get caught in the hardening wax before they can migrate to the surface and pop...

THat's all I can think of - HTH :D

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