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Bombing at bath bombs

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I made a bath bomb recipe from the board here and after getting them out of the mold (that takes a bit of practice!) they were sitting on the counter and two began to fizz a smidge! Well in the recipe the gal was from houston and she put hers in a slightly warm oven. I'm in NW WA and things are a little damp here so I tried that - they started to melt or something.

So what do you do if it's humid and the darn things start to fizz prematurely?


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you have too much moisture: could be in the recipe or in the air. I am in the NW and make bombs...I dont put them in the oven, they always activate.

I really go by a touch rather then what a recipe calls for...i have been making them for a few yrs now but when I started I could practice by the feel of the mix. Its cant be too wet, barely wet actually. Just enough to stick in th mold. i like to dry my molds in my laundry room- seems to be the perfect temp.


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Yeah, it sounds like too much moisture. If they are fizzing and flattening out you definitely have too much liquid in there somewhere. What I will do is add my oils the recipe calls for, but then mist the mix with my witch hazel in a spritzer bottle and mix well. It should feel like slightly moist sand, not soggy mushy sand. (I hope that makes sense, I am horrible at directions! :embarasse )

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Everytime I use the oven-even though others swear by it-I have a total disaster. Made the greatest bombs last year for a show and decided to dry them quicker to wrap. Ruined all of them, and had to keep for personal use. CPOP soap volcanos when I try it. No oven for this girl ever again.

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I'm in Alabama, where the humidity is extremely high. To me, fizzies are the most difficult thing to make. I am told (by a successful Alabama fizzy maker), that the secret is in the amount of water you add to your recipe. She says to use the least amount possible, or none at all.

I have made several good batches of fizzies using her recipe. However, this last weekend, I was completely unsuccessful and ruined and wasted a lot of ingredients. I just don't have the touch. MY opinion... they are worth EVERY penny we charge for them!

Lady D

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Please Please Please give the recipe a try that I posted... I just decided to add 1/2 tsp of water to the recipe to alleviate having to spritz as often with the witch hazel.. Those of you in humid areas may even be able to omit this..I made them in the rain and on a sunny dry day. Both times were perfect.. I just now got done making 36 of them with this recipe.. they came out perfect.. I am going to post a picture of them right now.. my tips have made the difference between success and complete failure at them.. Please let me know if this recipe works for you!


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