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At my wicks end!! Need help!

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I'm so frustrated right now!! This wicking thing is driving me nuts!!

Okay, now that I've thrown my tantrum....

I am trying to successfully wick just a standard 8oz jelly jar (not the wide mouth style)...surely this doesn't take a degree in nuclear physics. :undecided I use KY Perfect Blend and have tried a few of the HTP, CD, and zinc wicks.

Wick problems:

  • HTP wicks - probably the best of the three, but don't like how they "curl" off center and cause one side to have a deeper MP. I did get a really great HT with my Maple Cinammon FO though with this one.
  • CD wicks - I started with the CD 10 (was recommended). I ended up with a full MP in 30 minutes! I wicked down to a CD 8 and it's still burning too fast. If I wick down any further, I'll be using the size recommended for a votive! That can't be right!
  • Zinc wicks - the only size I've tried is 44-31-18 (recommended for 2.5-3" containers). It started tunneling right away. I haven't tried wicking down yet...the next size down I have is 44-24-18.

I've read such great things about these three types of wicks, so why is it that I'm having so much trouble?!

I really want to know why the CD wicks are performing like that....

And I want to know if I should try another wick (LX perhaps) or should I just accept my curling HTP's since they are the best of what I have? It just bugs me that I have to "settle"....there's got to be a perfect wick out there for me somewhere. Why is it that someone else who uses the same wax and jar can get a CD wick to work, but I can't?

I'm just mad!! Please help me get happy! :)

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I agree, I use the LX series in all my containers and I prefer them over any other wicks. Don't care for the CD's because of the bending even though they are recommended. I don't use the same kind of wax although I do use soy!

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I really appreciate everyone's input....you guys are great! :highfive:

Guess I'll order a sample of "every" type of wick out there and eventually I'll get it narrowed down. It just gets so frustrating sometimes....

I think one of my biggest problems is reading that the majority of soy users have to wick up....I just assumed.....and we all know what happens when you do that!! :D

So, next on my list....LX, Premier, and maybe Eco's....

Thanks again!! When I finally get this jar successfully wicked, I'm sure you'll hear me shouting for joy all over the 50 states!!!

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I used to wick my soy with a cd10...with my latest lot of soy I use a cd12 mainly.

Wicks also differ from supplier to supplier....so your cd10, may burn like another suppliers cd12. It is important to stick with one supplier on your wicks.

Soy changes batch to batch....which is why it is a good idea to purchase as many cases pf the same batch as possible. That way you don't have to keep retesting your wicks.

Back when I started, I used 51z and lx 16 in a 8oz jelly jar.

But I like cd's the best. I don't like how fragile the lx wicks are, it is too easy for people to break them off when they are trying to trim them, in my opinion.

From my past experience, these are similar....51z, cd10, lx16.

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