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Help with my Booth

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Hello everyone.

For those of you who remember me, Im back and hopefull I have a little more respect now. I have established myself very well in my community. I have displays in a few stores. I now am carrying 5 products which is great if you knew that I started out on 2 at the begging of this year. All of this aside, I am setting up a booth at a local festival. There is one other candle maker that will be there and Im am almost certain that we will be side by side. I need a way to draw customers to my booth. I have tweaked my products to get my prices under hers and my quality above hers. I have purchased a sign similar to many that you see in grocery stores to put my prices on. I will hopefully be giving away drinks.(if i can afford to do so). I have purchased great, brightly colored packaging and unique containers for my products. What else can i do? I will be using the typical 10 by 10 white tent. I thought that I might be able to paint that and help attract customers. I will have two or three tables with colorful table cloths on them. I can have electricity so that will be available. Just give me ideas. Anything is helpful.

Thanks to you all so much.


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I'm not sure what your 5 products are. Since you will be outdoors, can you light a candle? I've found folks are drawn to the scent. Maybe take the tops off some of your containers so people can pick them up and sniff. Look professional, have business cards out and brochures. At some of the shows I've done, people pick up business cards if they are interested, then cruise around to look at everything then return to buy.

Most importantly make eye contact with everyone that walks by, say Hi, ask them if they are enjoying the day. Be friendly and mean it. When you reach out to people they are more likely to stop and look at your product.

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when i do festivals outside i always burn oil or a few jumbo sticks of incense in my booth..usually butt naked because it's a sweet smell and it travels far. i have people tell me that they could smell my booth from far away, and they usually buy what i am burning. i don't know what kind of festival or show it is you are going to but playing music is another way to draw people to your booth. you could get a vinyl banner made in bright colors to announce "sale" or something like that. people always like to think they are getting a great deal. i wouldn't give anything away for free unless it's with a purchase..i hope you make lots of money!:D

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Hey SS..

Have you gotten insurance for your products?

Many craft shows require that now...

Your website says you carry over 300 scents???

(Which is an exact copy of Gelluminations)

Didn't you just start making candles the end of December 2006.

You have my-space on your website and it says you are 16?

ETS: You also have the CT site listed on your links..

Do you really want your customers to see all your posts here and see that you just started making candles??


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After reading through some of your previous posts and looking at your myspace that states you are 16 years old I found this previous tidbit you posted..."I never said that my first business was a candles store or anything. My first store was any electronics store. i sold out after about 10 years so that i could eventually open up a resturant but plans change." So what does this mean? You were 6 years old when you started an electronics store???? As for these candles that you supposedly make...have you tested all 300 of those scents you are offering? Or is this all just another mask for your drop shipping of gelluminations or whoevers product that you are trying to pass off as your own? :shocked2: :rolleyes2

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OH MY! At 1st I thought maybe this person set their myspace page to not show their true age....but if you click on his 2nd "friend" thats him...look at "Adam's Companies "...this is just TOO funny!

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Who does this kid think he's fooling? and why is he wasting his time trying to post on CT? and quoting his income at $250,000 and higher-yeah, i believe that. There's no way any 16 yr. old no matter how smart they are that can earn that-unless maybe they are selling drugs or something.

I remember the last time this person posted-and was caught in the lies that were told-and the posts "he" had made proved it.

Now, if this kid was really serious in making a business out of candles, etc. and needed advice CT would be the place to come, but geez-why waste our time screwing around with this "farce" is beyond me? Doesn't his teachers give him enough homework?

Not to mention, I wonder, do his parents know what he is doing? I guess we know from now on to ignore posts made by Southern Scents. Maybe this kid will get a clue that we are not going to help him out anymore at trying to deceive the public into buying his merchandise.

Just my :2cents: .

Southern Scents, if you post again, I hope that everyone just ignores you-you're a waste of our time and we have too many other people on this board that are honest, trying to make an honest living-or enjoyable hobby who are looking for help-not just "all the answers".

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Hey guys, that is my myspace that you have seen. My son set it up and used his age. He put the company thing on his myspace to be funny. He is a bagboy but instead of putting his income as under 20000 he put 250000 plus. We dont carry the 300 scents, we just offer them to people who order from us for wedding and party gifts. We have tested all of the scents in one product or another except for the ones labeled as premium soy( i have them listed but do not sell them).I have candle tech on my website because it has been helpful to me. I dont mind people knowing that I just started making. Everyone in my community knows this. The last time i was on here, i took yalls advice and slowed down which has helped. I know i have a bad rep and i want to change that. I like the idea about burning candles. I was gonna offer samples of my lotions and handsanitizer which I also thought would help. My products include candles, soap, lotion, handsanitizer, multi purpose freshener and I m thinking about trying out the carpet freshener which Ive tryed after reading the recipe last night. Thanks for your help.

Oh yeah, I wanted to add that I no longer dropship. All of the products that I sell, I make. I do use gelluminations supplies though. They are a very good quality and I couldn't be happier with them.

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