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tealight wick for GW415

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I have been trying to wick my tealights. I'm using the GW 415 and tried zinc and Tea 330S from Millcreek but I'm not very happy! Any suggestions? I thought they would be great as samples! Otherwise my neighbour came over to buy 1 jar candle for a co worker and she ended up buying 4 because she loved them so much! Needless to say, I'm in heaven! Now I'm getting ready for our school carnival where I'm selling them at the fundraiser! I hope people will buy them there too! Thanks for everyones help in getting me this far!

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I use cd 3's for my tealights. I pour several and just use a bamboo skewer to keep the wicks centered.

I like to pour tealights to match the scents of my tarts for a "boost" in the scents.

Have a great day!

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Thanks, Jami, I guess I just need to understand how you wick it! So you don't use the metal tabs at the bottom? Do you put the skewer in and when the wax is set you pull it out and put the wick in and just remelt the top with a heatgun to keep the wick in place? Or am I totally off? LOL Thanks in advance! Btw if that is how you do it is it safe with the clear plastic cups or would I need the metal ones?

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I use the wicks with tabs and just use a wick stickum to attach it to the tealight cup. I use the "stick" to keep the wicks centered because they have a tendency to lean over and I don't want them setting up crooked.

I use the clear plastic cups and have no problems with them. I prefer them because they don't get bent up from moving them around like the aluminum ones can.

I will mix up a batch of wax to make a candle with and enough extra to pour some tealights and tarts all from the same batch. I use a presto pot to melt the wax and then pour into pyrex cups to mix my color and oils. If the wax gets too hard to pour from being slushy, I just pop my glass in the microwave for 10 or 20 seconds, stir and pour.

Hope this helps a little. Feel free to ask any other questions if you have them :D

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