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Does M&P Soap Clog Pipes?


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I wouldn't think so, but I can't help but wonder about this. When I finish making M&P, I put my mixing container in the sink and fill it with hot water. I usually leave it for a while, and when I go back to it there's not much cleanup to do--just rinse out all the lather. But last night I probably had a little more soap than usual left in my pot and there was a little "clump" of soap--about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick that I could scoop up with my hand. I dipped that out and threw it away, but it made me wonder, since that didn't dissolve, if I was messing up my plumbing with this?

It did take forever for my sink to drain and I filled it up with very hot water and let it drain about 3-4 times, trying to undo any damage I might have done.

Any feedback? TIA,


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My dh is a plumber, and you'd be surprised that just soap residue CAN clog pipes, but here is what we do once a month reguardless.

In a hurry and the bathroom drain is plugged up? Before you run down to the local hardware store and waste your money on some expensive drain cleaners why don't you try this quick and easy fix?

bullet1.gifMost drain plugs are actually an accumulation of soft soap residue.

bullet1.gifIn our product testing pouring one liter of the most popular cola soft drink will typically clear out most obstructions.

bullet1.gifThe mild acid in the soft drink does an excellent job of cleaning out the drain without causing any serious damage to your plumbing.

We've never had a clog yet !!!:yay:

Opps, I forgot to mention we just buy a $.99 2 LTR. Bottle of Coca-Cola, and pour half down the kitchen drain and half down the tub drain!!!

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Thanks so much for that tip!! I'm definitely trying this tonight--that's always a slow-running drain, so I can't wait to try it out. Just gotta ask--does your DH think the brand makes a difference? I noticed it said "the most popular cola soft drink"--and that isn't what I have on hand, but I think it will be worth a trip to the store!!


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Baking soda, vinegar and hot water also does the trick. Dump about 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain, add about a cup of vinegar, leave for about 1/2 hour, and pour a kettle of boiling water donw there after it.

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I wouldn't think so, but I can't help but wonder about this. When I finish making M&P, I put my mixing container in the sink and fill it with hot water. I usually leave it for a while, and when I go back to it there's not much cleanup to do--just rinse out all the lather. But last night I probably had a little more soap than usual left in my pot and there was a little "clump" of soap--about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick that I could scoop up with my hand. I dipped that out and threw it away, but it made me wonder, since that didn't dissolve, if I was messing up my plumbing with this?

It did take forever for my sink to drain and I filled it up with very hot water and let it drain about 3-4 times, trying to undo any damage I might have done.

Any feedback? TIA,


The difference in the BRAND name stuff, is like some of the lower price (not brand name) stuff, doent have the same amounts of "acid" contents as Brand Names...its less cause they use less to save on their cost, which saves you on the cost. Sometime Brand Name is just worth the lil extra. Although, I did hear coca-cola had stuff in it (DONT KNOW WHAT) that other sodas dont.

Sure worth the try, for just $1.

Maybe compare what you have on hand with coca-cola.:highfive:

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Baking soda, vinegar and hot water also does the trick. Dump about 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain, add about a cup of vinegar, leave for about 1/2 hour, and pour a kettle of boiling water donw there after it.

This method is fine also if you live in the city, but if you live in the country and you have a septic system (field bed) you may not want to do this often, because the baking soda is being added to level out the ph acidicity in the Vinegar. Much more acidy then coca-cola. And you dont want anything that is foamy as baking soda, ...vinegar kills bacteria, but your field bed is full of it, cause thats how your waste is broke down.

Another hint for you with field beds, try to stay away from anti-bacterial soaps, I know it would take yrs..and yrs.. for that much anti-bacterial soap to make a difference, but you want the bacteria in your field bed, this will save costs on pumping more often, and you really don't want to pour boiling water down your drains ALOT if you have plastic piping, it can eventional warp.

Hope I helped some!!!

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I know what they use to put in there...:shocked2: but it's illegal now.:laugh2:

LOL!!!:laugh2: Yeah..I heard the same thing!!! I did look on the back of my coca-cola bottle, and it really has no significant additives shown. I know it was more sodium then like...Sams Choice.

Alajane, I am a pepsi drinker also, and DH is a Mt.Dew holic, so when we see the coca-cola, we know its a monthly treatment for our pipes.:grin2: :highfive:

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Anyone else thinking we shouln't be drinking stuff that can clean out pipes? :shocked2: LOL!


I would much rather drink coca-cola then baking soda and vinegar.:drool:

My dh (plumber) has a moto..."dont put anything down your pipes that you wouldn't drink yourself.":lipsrseal

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