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Any one try..Golden Soy Blend 444..from Millcreek?

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I am currently testing the 444 but I didn't get it from Millcreek. There are several suppliers of this wax. The 444 is just the 415 wax with a universal additive in it which allows a hotter pour and higher FO load. Many people have said this wax will throw FO's that were weak in other waxes so that was another plus for me to choose to test this.

Just like testing any new wax, I am still trying to get some of the quirks out. The big one being the "right" pour temp for the results that I want. I am so used to just waiting til my soy gets slushy it was easy to judge after a while. I will say the cold and hot throw with this wax is great.

I did have to wick up a size from what my 100% soy was using. Another plus I have found to this wax is I am getting harder tarts than with 100% soy. I don't have those soft tarts that can smear the package any more and not having to buy a special tart wax.

No one can tell you how it will work for you so I would suggest trying maybe a 5 lb sample to allow yourself a few different candles with various FO's and see how you like it.

Everyone has been so helpful to me with any questions I have had regarding this wax that if you have any problems or questions, they will all jump in for you :grin2:


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I am currently testing the 444 but I didn't get it from Millcreek. There are several suppliers of this wax. The 444 is just the 415 wax with a universal additive in it which allows a hotter pour and higher FO load. Many people have said this wax will throw FO's that were weak in other waxes so that was another plus for me to choose to test this.

Just like testing any new wax, I am still trying to get some of the quirks out. The big one being the "right" pour temp for the results that I want. I am so used to just waiting til my soy gets slushy it was easy to judge after a while. I will say the cold and hot throw with this wax is great.

I did have to wick up a size from what my 100% soy was using. Another plus I have found to this wax is I am getting harder tarts than with 100% soy. I don't have those soft tarts that can smear the package any more and not having to buy a special tart wax.

No one can tell you how it will work for you so I would suggest trying maybe a 5 lb sample to allow yourself a few different candles with various FO's and see how you like it.

Everyone has been so helpful to me with any questions I have had regarding this wax that if you have any problems or questions, they will all jump in for you :grin2:


Thanks Jami! You have given me all the answers I was looking for.:highfive:

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