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It will work just fine.

There are many people that save the scraps from CP soap and make a 'confetti' batch. You can either use M&P or a batch of CP and add your scraps, curls, pieces, etc. IMO- it looks really cool and saves soap! :grin2:

I need to do a spring confetti batch myself with all of my scraps and ugly bars! ;)


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It will work just fine.

There are many people that save the scraps from CP soap and make a 'confetti' batch. You can either use M&P or a batch of CP and add your scraps, curls, pieces, etc. IMO- it looks really cool and saves soap! :grin2:

I need to do a spring confetti batch myself with all of my scraps and ugly bars! ;)


I love confetti soap! I saved up all my scraps and chopped up my ugly bars a while back and made one. Everyone loves it! All different colors and sizes of soap pieces in it. Since they all had different scents added to them, I just made sure I used a strong FO with the base, so that they wouldn't all clash.:D Give it a try and have fun!

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