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Turkey fryer too hot?

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When I first started pouring candles about 6 months ago with a presto pot I got nice smooth tops but did have quite a few wet spots. When the presto heated up and the wax melted it would get to about 190 degrees max. I would add FO any where between 160 and 175 degrees and pour any where between 110 and 130 degrees.

Then I got my turkey fryer. Even when I have it set at the lowest setting of 150 degrees, when the fryer is heating up the wax can reach over 200 degrees. And since I've been using the fryer I've struggled with ugly, lumpy, crator tops.

Has anyone else experienced this? If so any solutions? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. BTW I'm using GW444.



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Spice, when I turn mine on I start it at 150*, after some has melted I add more wax and turn up to 175*. Later if I need it hotter I'll up it to 200* but only for a short time. I haven't noticed the tops being any different but it does change with the weather. What a pain, not hot enough for air but too hot for the wax to cool nice. This has always been a bad time of the year for me and candlemaking...

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