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OT's Absolutley Awesome Oakmoss.

Pam W

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Finally got around to trying OT's AA Oakmoss and ooooh my! I was a little disappointed with the OOB cause I smelled more floral than oakmoss but once I got it into some products, the oakmoss scent came out.... I just love it. Wonderful throw in soy/parra blend candles, M&P turned out really nice and made up a little sample batch of body butter with it that's to die for...only problem is that I should have ordered a bigger bottle ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I too LOVE OT's Oakmoss. It's doesn't make a big impression OOB, but once you use it it's glorious.

that was my first thought too. I had been using BB's oakmoss but it is now available only in large quantities so I tried OT. Was disappointed with the OOB cause I couldn't smell enough oakmoss but once it was in the wax....stand back!!! It gave a good throw after less than 24hrs but got stronger and stronger as it cured. I used 7% and will cut that down next time. I made the mistake of lighting 2 4" containers in a 10x10 room--had to open the windows just to breathe:grin2:

Kyger, the only other OT FO I've used so far is Moonlight Path and that too is exceptionally strong at 7%....yes, GL's 70/30. I have on order Gift of the Maji and Dragonfire -- new FOs to me but will post results once I receive them and get them into some wax.

Edited to add: BB's Tuberose moss is a killer in GL 70/30 - have to blow that one out after short while too!!!!

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