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MP soap with toys in it......


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I have a simple way to do the fish in a bag. I cut small cubes of soap and place them in the bottom of the bag. I use lollipop bags from the craft store. Then I take a quilter's pin and poke it thru the bottom of the bag and thru the soap cube until the pin point sticks out of the top of the cube. Push the fishy onto the pin to hold it in place. When you pour the soap into the bag, the fish will stay in place and the cube will gradually melt. Just pull the pin out when the soap is firm enough. I put wire coat hangers on a hook and clothespin the bags to the hanger to cool. I can usually fit about 5 bags per hanger. If the soap starts to leak out of the pin hole in the bottom, just put the bottom of the bag in a bowl of ice water for a minute or two and it will stop. HTH!

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