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OK I did it!

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Okay all,

I did it, I made my first B&B product.

I made some Milk Bath using the recipe by Pamperme (Thank you)

After reading all of the reviews and information I gave it a shot.

I made 2 batches, Vanilla Pear and Moonlight Path. (Both from NG)

Now I'm off to take a bath...LOL....Wish me luck!

Thank everyone for all the most excellent info here.


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I'm going to try bath bombs next....lol...

I've been wanting to try them for awhile but I hadnt got up the courage to order the supplies I need for them, and with the Milk Bath I was able to buy everything locally. :D

It's all you guys' fault, I keep reading and reading and reading. lol

And that recipe is most excellent I took a bath last night and it was sooo nice!

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Glad you liked your milk bath. I am also trying bathbombs today. I have tried a few times but all I ever seem to get is a crumbly mess. So I went out and bought a few new supplies to make it easier. If that doesn't work I am crossing them off my list. Good Luck with yours.

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