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50/50 para/soy

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Hi. I mixed GB 415 and Harmony blend in a 50/50 ratio in a jj with 8.3% cinnamon buns and no color. I started with a cd 12 and then wicked down to a cd 10. Real good hot throw, right sized melt pool, but air movement causes some sooting. I wondered if all you 50/50 pre blended wax users could tell me if they think I need an even smaller wick or what you start out with. I've only tried a paraffin mix about twice before, and that cd seems really small in comparison to my 100% soy. I did get wet spots (cause own mix?) but wondered does a purchased pre blend get them too? The throw is better than my straight soy so maybe this is the way I want to go for containers...but want to find the best blend before ordering. Any help would be appreciated. TIA. Beth

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I tried making my own blend when I first started, but ended up screwing it up! I haven't used the waxes you mentioned, but will be experimenting with a blend tomorrow. I'm probably no help here, but I just wanted to say that purchasing something pre-blended will most likely be easier if you are just starting out in that area.

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I've always mixed my own from day one. I never liked the burn from a preblend when I've tested a few. You might want to try a zinc with the Harmony Blend/soy mix. It seems to work really well. I don't use JJ's but maybe a 51z might be a good start and maybe go down from there if it's too hot which it may be. I had decent luck with an HTP 83 and 93 in those jars a long time ago. Maybe it's worth a shot, you never know.

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I've always mixed my own from day one. I never liked the burn from a preblend when I've tested a few. You might want to try a zinc with the Harmony Blend/soy mix. It seems to work really well. I don't use JJ's but maybe a 51z might be a good start and maybe go down from there if it's too hot which it may be. I had decent luck with an HTP 83 and 93 in those jars a long time ago. Maybe it's worth a shot, you never know.

Shows how much I know about blends :D

Grumpy what didn't you like about pre-blended burns? I'm getting my fist pre blend tomorrow and I'm quite excited! I'm hoping it will be a bit easier to deal with than my soy.

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Hi. Thanks for answering. Right now I have it wicked with 760 premier which isn't sooting, but the flame is getting a bit flickery. Thought I might go down one or two more sizes and maybe try the LXs also. I have the smaller htps which I will try also. I'm not sure about how small one can go...cane the melt pool get too cool to throw even if it is 1/4" or so? I may have to get some trial package zinc wicks and give them a try also. Will keep trying as this seems so much easier to burn than the straight soy. I'm using my hard to melt 415 so after another 100 lbs of that, I might have decided upon a wax to use. And, Grumpy girl, did ever try adding any USA to the mix? Thought it might help with adhesion. What blend are you trying, Silverm00n? Thanks. Beth

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I personally love my 50/50 blend (from Farm House), I use CD wicks in mine and I can't imagine it getting any better. I do appreciate those who mix their own--I wouldn't trust myself, I like the preblended for ease & convenience, and ONE less thing to remember (brain is a bit crowded lately). Good luck!

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Hi Lightning Bug,

I once tried mixing 415 and J50 in a 70/30 but the mix would not adhere to the jar at all. I was hoping to make it work since I still have 40 lbs of J50 leftover. I now use KY parasoy, which is somewhere near 50/50 and it adheres much better. Preblended parasoys do much better and are easier to deal with. The slabs are not as sticky and cut very easily. KY is reasonably priced too.

HTH! geekster

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Thanks geek. I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet. Since I live in the Northwest, Swans or Let it shine are the closest and shipping should be better. (I have ordered from KY and they are great but farther away) Swan's sell calwax have a para/soy (not sure of the ratio). Let it shine sells IGI so I'll just make up my mind and get some more samples. What's another few more pounds? The husband figures the house would already go up like a chimney if a fire ever got going in the basement. lol. Beth

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