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I have read the extensive thread on making sachets/potpourri with different things such as crushed corn cob, vermiculite, perlite, kitty litter, rock salt, etc. What did anyone find that worked? I tried 1 cup each of vermiculite, perlite and solar salt w/ 1oz fo. It doesn't look too pretty but smells great and is dry. Just curious to know what everyone thought about it.

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I'm fond of vermiculite myself, but if I was making something to sell i'd want some heft to it and would then choose a base of the cob. I'm a big bleiver in mixing the best of all worlds though, so it wouldn't be just one or the other. Just like you made yours.

Some absorb better and won't make a messy sachet, others hold scent longer and won't turn. Still yet, other things are great on a label, but other things work just as well. If there is some mega secret end all ingredient, some one is not sharing it. :lipsrseal It seems that there are so many things and ways to use them, but in the end it is dependant on your expectations of the entire product and what is available to you, and what makes economical sense..not just how long they last. I think your environment even has a lot to do with it. What works well in warm climates probably doesn't work as great in Alaska! Every body has their own idea and insist that this or that works best. I think they are all right. :D

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Thanks for the reply blazerina. True about the climate, I am in Florida and it will be getting hot soon for a long time. I will post a pic of what I made when I can get my camera working again. I just think it looks ugly.

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