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Does any deliver Distilled Water?


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I'm tired of hauling 4-gallon boxes up my stairs constantly. A Google search pulled up a few companies that did local deliveries in other parts of the country. The big water delivery companies either don't offer distilled (Culligan, as far as I could tell), or don't deliver in my area (Arrowhead).

We're getting busier and busier, which means we're going through more and more and more distilled water. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! Thanks!

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If you are growing that large (YEAH, YOU!)...what about distilling your own tap water?

I didn't look too much (it's late and my eyes are crossing) but I found a countertop distiller at Amazon.com for $99-ish. It only does 4 gallons a day, don't know if you need more than that though. Seems to only do 1 gallon every 5-6 hrs though.


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I'd never trust distilling our own tap water. Our tap water is nasty. We won't even drink it, and honestly, I hate even cooking with it. It's incredibly hard water. You know how hot water can be cloudy when you pour it into a glass and then it clears up? Well, our COLD water is that way too. It's really quite gross. Unfortunately, we're renting, so we can't really install anything to improve the water quality. So we're actually buying both drinking water AND distilled water. It's nuts. We've had water delivery (with the little cooler machines) for drinking water in the past. I was just hoping one of those companies also delivered distilled water. So far, the companies that will deliver in our area, they don't carry distilled, just drinking water.

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Why don't you try their regular drinking water in a batch or two? It may still have minerals in it, but it may be in such small amounts you won't notice a difference.

We've got sulphur water here, so I always use distilled. I've also used the bottled spring water too and haven't really noticed any difference. I've even held some bars back to see if they get DOS, but haven't seen any increase (if you consider that minerals in water might accelerate DOS - that's not a given ;) )

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I've used bottled drinking water for soaps before when I realized I didn't have enough distilled on hand. But what I REALLY need them for is my lotion bases that I'm selling. I'm going through several boxes a week. Last week I went through about 30 gallons of distilled water, and things are only picking up. If it were soaps, then I'd be okay switching to drinking water. But for lotions, I don't budge on the distilled water.

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I have it delivered in 6 gallon cases. Found a guy in the phone book under reverse osmosis systems. Talk to several of the local water guys and they should be able to lead you to someone who delivers. Most are small companies without web sites and you can only find them in the phone book. Sometimes they don''t even have an ad, but to them your a big customer.

Make sure you let them know your volume.

Around here (AZ) the main grocery stores also offer delivery for about an extra $5. Might be another option. I agree with you about only using distilled water for lotions. I even boil the distilled water for 10 mins in an alcahol wiped container hot out of the dishwasher.

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