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I am not sure if I understand your question... but I will give it a shot. ;)

If you are using fragrance oils for candles and soap you need to make sure that the fragrance is bath and body safe.

There are many, many scents that are for candles only and could hurt someone if used in soap. With that being said, there are many fragrances that are bath and body safe but do not like soap and will make the soap batch seize.

Perfume cannot be used in soap because of the alcohol in it. There are many companies that create dups that will smell just like the perfume but can be used in soap and candles.



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-Fragrance oils are not meant to be used directly on the skin. And should not be. They need to be diluted properly in the appropriate medium. (And if applying to the skin, be sure you have only those labeled as skin safe).

-Perfumes are not meant to be used in products. And should not be.

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i think i would have other people smell them, maybe his nose is off, it's funny how different noses smell different things. also check the websites where you bought the oils from and see what they can be used for. they can be used for candles, the skin safe ones can be put in lotions, sprays, shampoo's conditioners that sort of thing. for roll-ons to use directly on the skin it needs to be cut 50/50 with dgp, sweet almond oil or some other kind of oil.

do not use directly on your skin even though it says it's body safe.

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I too am a little confused by the question -- what are you wanting to use the fo's for? I can't speak for soaping, but if you're doing candles -- don't go by the oob scent. There are so many fo's that don't hit their glory till you get them in wax.


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I'm using it in b&b products I have lotion, glace, soywhip, shower gel, body mists from ky and sugar scrubs and bathsalt from essentials by catalina. I don't know how to do candles at all I really don't know how to do this so I need all the help I can get.

Thanks to all

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Your answer will be different for every oil, every application you're using it for any every person. It's funny how scents that smell great to me make other people gag and vice versa, everyone's nose is different.

Each oil is different too and some will smell amazing in lotion but not so good in bathsalts. Then, if you're using it on the skin, everyone's body chemistry is a bit different as well, so what smells like soap on one person might smell like flowers on another.

It's all about testing. Once you've tried the oils out in a few items and a few people, you'll have a better idea what scents work in which applications.

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