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not using container wax to make votives? I had some left over wax after making some of my containers and just to see how they would turn out I poured some votives. I haven't tested them yet but I was just curious.

BTW, I am new to your board and have learned so much from all of you! This is a wonderful place with a bunch of wonderful people!



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I guess it would depend on how soft your container wax is. I've always used my container wax for my votives. I use IGI 2281 w/ additives, and it's pretty hard, and pour into 3oz dixie cups for my votives. Always tell customers to place votives in tight fitting containers to burn.

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I'm the same as Steph -- must be a Texas thang! You can do votives easily if you're doing Dixie Cup votives. Container wax is meant to adhere to the container, so getting those puppies out of a metal mold may have you using new & creative combinations of every 'bad' word you know. Toss 'em in the freezer ... while you're pouring a stiff drink!! LOL -- good luck.


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Or you could find inexpensive votive containers, have them wicked and place layers of different scents in until filled. Sell them for less. Sometimes people buy these just to smell different scents. But take into account that some combos might not smell so good together....:embarasse

I sold a lot like this and people couldn't wait for more!! :grin2:

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I am using IGI4630 and boy is it soft. Actually, I couldn't get them out so I popped them in the freezer for about 20 mins and they came right out. Will the softer wax burn quicker than a harder one? lol..... bet you can tell I'm a newbie....

I have thought about finding some cute smaller containers for my votives so I don't have to leave them "exposed". I saw some square, heavy, thick glassed ones at the Dollar General but they are 1.00! Isn't that too much for a votive container??

Thx y'all!


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Aside from being difficult to get out of the votive molds, using container wax could pose a problem when it comes to packaging, and storing them. I mean who wants to pick up and whiff a sticky votive? They will be messy. Even if you won't be selling these, it will be a mess handling them yourself.

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I use IGI 4786 container wax for my votives. Occasionally you might have difficulty getting out of the metal mold, but once it placed in the freezer for about 5-10 minutes it come out of the mold with no difficulties.


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