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pls help


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I finally got my graphics for my website and their in winzip, first of all i have no idea what this is and I want to sep. them individually in my documents but i dont know how to do that and winzip is telling me that i have to purchase winzip in 40 days, i wish it would have just individually set itself in my documents after down loading, im soo frustrated im ready to cry, pls someone help:cry2:

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Winzip is not a program perse...but a method by which you can "crunch" files together into 1 file so that you may send it to someone via e-mail, at a much smaller file size than the original files. The technical term being to compress files into smaller ones. You should be able to "unzip" or extract the files by simply clicking on the file itself and it will ask you where you want to extract the files. Just remember where you extracted the files...I suggest you create a folder and extract them into it....otherwise you could have those files spread out in your C drive and not be able to recover them. PM me if you still need help.

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Actually, Winzip IS a program...what you're thinking of is "zip". Winzip is a Windows-based implementation of an archiving program that primarily supports the Zip format. However, there are plenty of free archiving programs that you can use instead of Winzip (which frankly, is one of the worst out there, and they make you pay for their overhyped garbage). This one's got a lot of claim to fame:


as well as this one:


7-zip is becoming the "new standard" for archiving and has its own higher-compression format (7z) in addition to regular old Zip (plus many more).

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