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Scented layers in pillar

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So far I've been playing with containers, but I'm a big fan of planning ahead, and my mom loves rustic layered pillars, so I'd like to try to make her some for next Christmas. I haven't been able to find a good answer to this question... when using two or three different fragrances for the layers in a pillar, does the candle move from one fragrance to the next as it burns, or do the fragrances mix? Or is it a combination- the fragrances just blend as it transitions from one layer to another? Does it depend on the thickness of the layers?

And while I'm at it... does the wick size used in a pillar depend on the height at all, or is it just the diameter? (other than that it obviously has to be long enough!) I guess what I'm asking is that if I wanted to make a 3x6 pillar in the end, could I test 3x3 pillars or would I have to use 3x6's? Could I do initial testing on 3x3's and then burn a 3x6 at the end just to make sure?

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The scents tend to transition with a slight mingling where two meet. Depending on how much is consumed during your burns will play a factor in if your different scents mingle.

Pillars are wicked by diameter. If you're making a 3x6 I would test on a 3x6 and not base how a 3x3 burns. The reason, there's two 3x3s there basically, plenty of room and time for something to happen, more chances of hitting an air pocket (on rustics) if your repours don't fill the cavities etc.

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