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Another Salt Bar Question


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I think I have read everything I can find on these. I want to try a batch this weekend but have a question I can't find the answer for. I am going to use a slab mold that say normally would take 40 oz of oils......do you cut that in half because of adding the salt which seems to almost double the batch??? Or do you make the normal 40 oz and just add 40 more oz of salt? Geesh this one has me confused!

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I found cutting my oils in half did not give me enough for my mold. I would do about 25 oz of oil to 25 oz of salt. That should about do it for you. It may give you a bit more then you need. I always have a silicone muffin mold ready in case there is a bit left over. What recipe are you using? I found the one that uses the co, shea and oo is the best.

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Thank You!! That one had me baffled. I was going to try the 75% coconut and the 25% Shea one. But I did see the Coconut, shea and OO one also so maybe I will try that one instead. I want to start with a small batch so trying to figure out my smallest slab mold......do these work good in slab molds with dividers already in them?? I guess I am wondering how well they would come out of the mold when set?? I have a baltic birch with the plastic dividers.

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I don't have the dividers but from what I have heard they work out very well. I would treat them the same as cp soaps as to how you line the mold or treat it. It will certainly save you from having to cut them which can be a pain. Also they may not be as crumbly because you do not have to worry about cutting them at a certain time. I do find that they come out better if they gel. The gel comes quick and does not last long at all. Within a hour or a bit more with oo and shea, they will be done. Since you have the dividers You will just leave them alone until they cool off. If no dividers then cut at 1/2 hour after it is made then cut again in about 15 minutes otherwise they are too hard to cut and you have a crumbly mess. A few days after they cure I spritz mine with alcohol and wipe off well to polish them up so all the salt is not crumbling off. They will almost look like polished stones and be that hard. Total cure time is shorter then cp I use them after 2 weeks and sell them after 3 weeks.

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My main concern was...will they get stuck in the mold....LOL I don't have to line this mold with anything as it has all plastic parts and pieces that fit inside the mold to completely line it and then all the dividers to make perfect sized soapies. I could just picture myself trying to chisel these out of the mold because it was something I shouldn't have used...LOL Thanks for all your help....I really appreciate it and am going to give these salt bars a try today! I did go over to the dish last night and read the 9 pages of Ibens thread on these also. Thanks again!

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