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A formula challenge for anyone

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Okay here's what I'm trying to accomplish.

I tested 2 Patchouli candles with 9% fragrance load and that's too much for my wicks.

Tested with 7% and its good. What I want to do is melt down the 2 testers and add it to my big batch of Patchouli.

How much FO should I use to accommodate adding these 2 candles with 9%.? I will be using 70 oz of wax (not including the testers)

Or is this impossible to figure?

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Boy this is a good one. Here's my thought:

Weigh the two testers that have 9% FO. Let's say they weigh a total of 30 oz.

You want a total of 70 oz. with 7% fo.

70 minus 30 is 40 oz. 9% minus 7% is 2%.

Decrease the 7% FO to 5% and add that to 40 oz wax.

Then add the two testers. The final mix should be 70 oz. with 7% FO.

Does this sound right?

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(...)Or is this impossible to figure?

It's quite possible, but it would help if you could tell us how much your testers weigh.

Let's say, to follow Patience's example, that they weigh 30 oz between the two of them. At 9%, this means they contain 0.09 x 30 oz = 2.7 oz of fragrance. The rest, 30 oz - 2.7 oz = 27.3 oz, is pure wax.

If you add the two candles to the batch, you'll have 27.3 oz + 70 oz = 97.3 oz of wax in all.

To get a 7% fo load, it takes 0.07 x 97.3 oz = 6.8 oz of fo.

Since the testers already hold 2.7 oz of fo, you need to add 6.8 - 2.7 oz = 4.1 oz of fo.

You can calculate the real quantity you need by replacing the 30 with the actual weight of your testers.

Hope this helps!

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Hope I don't make this more confusing.

If you need 70 oz of wax at 7% load, it means you will need 4.9 oz FO and 65.1 oz wax total.

You already have x oz of wax with a 9% load, so lets assume it is 20 oz of wax at 9%. The tester wax would have 1.8 oz FO and 18.2 oz wax.

To make up the difference, you will need to add the differences in the wax and FO to make the total amount you need:

Wax: 65.1 - 18.2 = 36.9

FO: 4.9 - 1.8 = 3.1

So you will melt down the tester wax, add 36.9 oz wax and 3.1 oz FO to give you the 70 oz with a 7% load.

Naturally, you will use the actual amount of tester wax, I was only using 20 oz as an example.

HTH! geek

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Thanks everyone....I will give it a try. Sorry I forgot to mention my testers have 7 oz of wax each and 5/8 oz FO. My total batch size will be 80 oz. so I will slowly read these formulas and do it. Actually with such a large batch I don't think it will affect it much if its a little more or less.

Thanks again.

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