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newbie with questions

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Hi! I am very, very VERY new to the whole candle making thing. I LOVE soy candles and I would like to get into making my own. I prefer 100% soy to a blend wax, that said, what brand wax do you guys use and find to be the best. I have been reading and reading about different kinds, cargill C3 ecosoy, and now I have come across a site mill creek. are all of these good brands of soy? I haven't ordered anyhitng yet, I'm afraid to jump in only to find out I ordered the wrong stuff...

Thank You!!


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Hello Laura and welcome to the board!

I use Ecosoya CBA and it is fairly easy to work with. Here is a link that has more info on this wax: http://www.ngiwax.com/ProductInformation/CB-AdvancedSoy.php . You will find that some fo's don't do well in this wax and some that work great, but that is true with other types of soy wax. I have found from the ones that I have tested (and I am no expert by a long shot) that they all have their "quirks". It is just a matter of what you are willing to deal with. Don't kid yourself though, you will "waste" money testing out different types until you find what works for you but that's part of the learning curve. This is real fun and very addicting. :wink2: Good luck!

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Welcome! Probably the best advice you can get on what wax to work with, is to find a close supplier and work with that wax. If you can find a supplier within an hour's drive (or less) you can save a bunch of money in shipping. Quite a few suppliers carry a soy referred to here as GB415, which is a house brand for several suppliers. MillCreek, Southern Scentsations, Candlemaker's Store, Peaks, among others, carry the 415 under their own name (MC soy, EZ Soy, etc). The 415 is a great 100% soy that many have extensively tested. But primarily if you find a supplier that is in the same UPS zone as you, you will get better shipping rates, and if you can pick up without driving a long way, save even more.

Beyond that, just search the site and ask us questions! We won't spoonfeed you, but we are a pretty helpful bunch. Have fun and be prepared to shell out some coin, candlemaking is not a cheap hobby even if you want to just make gifts for friends and family! You will get hooked!


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