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Bramble Berry Soy Wax?

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There's a lot of people here who use C3, some who like it and some who don't. Just depends on what you are looking for in a wax. There are other suppliers for it too, so you can shop around a little. Personally, I like it, but then I haven't tried anything else.

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I've been using C-3 since December and some what gotten use to it.

I like using it. For me it's all about the temperature of the area I'm pouring in.

If I can maintain 70-75, I have no problems at all with it.

I made strawberry last night and it has a wonderful cold throw, but I have not lit it to test hot throw. Baby powder I can get to throw after it sets without waiting for curing. Also Cinnamon Vanilla and Sweet Pea.

Very creamy beautiful wax but has some frosting issues!

I melt my wax up to 190 and add dye (block kind). Add fo at 180 and try to pour between 145 and 160. It's also better, imo, to pour into heated containers. Boy it sure does not like temp changes. Like..if I'm at 72 degrees and I drop overnight to around 67 or 68...it may frost a very little.

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I like it because i don't have to wait for it to get cool and slushy. It doesn't set up well if poured too cool, and it needs a warm room when making them. I can melt, mix in FO and color, then pour without much waiting. Around 160 or higher seems to be best for me.

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