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Selling Tarts w/o Labels


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I was under the assumption that it is not legal to sell tarts without putting warning labels and your company info on them or at least on the package you put them in. I recently saw someone at a festival who had their tarts in a basket for customers to choose from. She then put the purchased tarts in a zip lock bag with no labels whatsoever and handed them to the customer.

Does anyone know a link that states this is a law? It seems that I remember reading something to this effect on the board before but can't find it in a search. I would never sell a tart this way just to save money or labor, even if it meant I could charge less to get a sale. I think this was so unprofessional. I wasn't about to tell this lady that her tarts will lose scent this way. If she doesn't care enough to do some research before selling, then I most certainly wasn't going to give her any helpful info. These kind of people who want to make a quick easy buck and don't know or care to learn to make and market the best product possible really irritate me. I say, 'let them learn the hard way'. They will fizzle out quickly when they don't get repeat customers.

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It's too late for me to edit my post to add this, but I want to say that I don't mean to sound as cold and harsh as I probably came across. I just think that anyone who sells any product should do their research and become familiar with all aspects of their product before selling in order to give their customers the best quality possible for their money.

There is so much info available on this board. Everyone has been so helpful to me when I had questions. I suppose I should have tried to help her, but I was afraid she might take offense as some people do when you give advice without their asking for it.

Edited to add: I meant to add that this lady was leaving her tarts out all day in a open basket, in an open air market, unpackaged, so they would lose scent that way, I would think, especially if she does this day after day.

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