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got into my farmer's market


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well i finally got into my farmers market. i still am alittle worried if this is a good place for me to start out at . its a booth inside and it has elec and tables and the price isnt to bad 36 buck a week. i was wondering if anybody has any pointers and what kind of weird ? i will be asked. i dont know how much i should take either. I am very nervous about this whole thing and not knowing what to expect. There is another lady down from me that sells parrafin votives but thats it. i sell soy and b&b. so wish me luck.:undecided

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I can't imagine it being much different from craft shows. I'm assuming you've done those. If you haven't...be prepared for questions like. You make them yourself? Are they scented all the way to the bottom? Are you sure you didn't buy them from a store and resell them (that is an insult to me). LOL! What is the "hype" about soy? And lots of "oh, that smells good," and then they walk away. LOL!

Good luck!

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The hardest part is to be ready every week, without break :) I think FM customers are a bit different than fair goers - they seem to like to talk more, understand more about what they're buying.

Don't be discouraged if it's slow going at first - once they see you're there every week customers will start to buy more. You'll start to have 'regulars'.

Good luck, and have fun!

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I agree with Robin. The FM shoppers are different then your customers at craft shows, etc. They seem to be very relaxed and very chatty.

Take the time to build a good relationship with your customers.... Make sure that you know your product and that you can answer any question about the process because there will be A LOT.

I love market. It is my favorite venue to sell. You get to talk with a lot of locals but also get a lot of tourists that really love being there.

Find your niche at market. If your market draws a lot of vegans, etc. than cater to that.

I am sure that you will have fun!


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I agree with Robin too. That matches my experience. You've got to be prepared to be there consistently, and to answer a multitude of questions. Once customers get used to seeing you there, and know that you are knowledgeable about what you make, they will put confidence in you and hence, your products.

Even on a slow day, I make decent money at my f.m. And on a busy day -- WOW. I can really haul in some bucks. LOL It takes a while, so be persistent and hang in there. But eventually you should have some steady, regular customers who come for your stuff if you make a quality product!

Good luck to you in your new endeavor! :)

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oh man! boy do I agree with Robin. fair goers and FM customers are night and day. the FM customers are more chatty as stated and want to be sure you are on the up and up with your product knowledge. many of the FM customers i come in contact with are very knowledgeable about soapmaking. Good Luck, Have Fun, and BE PREPARED!

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Good Luck and let us know how it goes. I live in a really small town that has a Farmers Market in summer months only. I am thinking of setting up a booth, but have the same concerns as you. Plus ours is outdoors and I am worried about the summer heat melting my product. I think you will do fine.

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thanks everybody for your comments i live in lancaster and its one day a week. im pretty good with people so im not worried about that. im not worried about quailty of my products ,everybody i know says they are great but stupid ? will drive me nuts. i deal with the public everyday at my real job and the dumb ? i get there are crazy. i guess im more worried about what everybody will think about my stuff and i worried people there will think my prices are too high since a farmers market. but thanks again for all the luck

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We think the FM are great. We started selling there part time in December. Ours is open year round on Sat and Sun. We did so well there we are opening a permanent shop there the first weekend in Feb. We are really looking forward to it.

You meet a lot of great people there and you never know who you will meet and what kind of business deals will come your way.

Like someone who stopped by our booth and loved our gel candle designs. They own a tourist based business up north...we are in Jacksonville Fla. anyway...they want to buy our candles and put them in their store up north.

So you never know who you may be talking to at your booth.

Also keep in mind...have a good friendly but business like rapport with the other vendors ....they are also a good source of business and will send business your way. Its kind of like the pyramid effect...

1 vendor knows 3 vendors..who know 15 vendors ..who have 20 friends ..who have many friends.

And if you have a high quality product there is no telling where your business there can go.


Jacksonville Fla

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