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Question about MP of wax


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OK, I'm not trying to be a smart-as* here, but I have to ask this. If you asked a supplier what the MP was of a certain candle wax, what type of a response would you expect to receive back? Would you expect to receive a response that the wax has a MP of a specific temp, or would you expect a response of melt the wax to 200 degrees, add color, drop temp and add fragrance, and then pour at 150 degrees?

I was expecting a response of "wax "ABC" has a MP of 125 degress." Or something along those lines. Am I totally not asking the question right or what? I went on to email the supplier back with examples from other websites of what I was looking for. For example, Just Scent's JS123 wax has a MP listed of 123-126 degrees. WSP' Ecosoya Advanced has a MP listed of 111, etc, etc. The response I got back from them: The MP of the wax is 200 degrees.

What the H***?!

Is it me or them??? Please help me!!

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Ok, so it's not just me. This girl doesn't have a clue what she's talking about! I'm not even sure how to respond back or if I should just let it go. Maybe I'll try calling them. This is a rather large and well-known and talked about supplier also. I just can't believe the responses!

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