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CP Boo Boos


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I know absolutely nothing about cold processed soap, this is just a question to solve my curiousity..a lot of the times I will read that something like color or scent didn't work out...what can you do when you have this large mold filled with soap that you consider imperfect..do you remake or just cut up the boo boos and use them yourself..I pour by the bar not the mold so I'm never dealing with more than 8oz of melted base..I can remelt if I make a mistake..what alternatives are available for CP?

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When a batch of CP does not work out the way that you wanted it to you have a couple of options:

1) Rebatch: re-melt the soap on the stove and add water or milk to make it an easier consistancy to work with. You will never get smooth soap like you would when it is CP soap.

2) Use the soap as chunks, shreds, etc. in another batch of soap

3) Throw it out.

You can only do #1 or #2 if your mess-up is still safe to use.. (i.e. no lye issues, using body safe FO, etc.)

Hope that answers your question.


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yes it does thanks...I'm always reading about rebatching but I was sure if cp just melts down like m&p and for some reason I was thinking "boy that's got to be expensive when you make mistakes"..thanks for answering..I have no idea why I was interested maybe just one of those things I can filed away for future use but as I've said thousands of times..I was terrible at science..and all of you sound like Dr. Bunson Honeydew and I'm definately Beeker..lol

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